Back in my 30s I thought everyone over 55 should be retired. Now that my age resembles these numbers I am having second thoughts. I find inside my head I am as vibrant and curious about life as ever. It's just this rebellious body of mine won't go along with what my mind wants to accomplish. Whatever happened to the energy to stay up til 1A.M. and wallpaper the bathroom?
I miss that energy. I started walking 19 months ago. 30 minutes a day. But after this short period of time one of the joints in my foot failed me. Two trips to the podiatrist later and I have little relief. My left hip gave out last week. I feel like an old , rusty Chevy. Still starts but you can't drive it very far. And for heaven's sake don't risk taking it on a long distance road trip.
This is the hardest part about getting older. The body rebells against the program. For some of you with no aches and pains, this may sound silly but for the rest of us it's just the truth.
Now for a comment on the good side of getting older. You actually have a dab more patience. You realize some things will just resolve themselves. You are more moderate. You don't sweat the small stuff as much. You have less energy, so you are often wiser how you use it. The things you believe in, your faith and values feel even more solid.
On the other hand everything takes longer. I use to be able to get ready in five minutes. Now it takes 8 minutes. The wisdom I have gained along the way is often ignored by the people I try and share it with because I think to them I am old and stuck in my ways. I am becoming invisible to many of the younger generation. The older you get I am afraid the more invisible you become. You have to turn every stinkin' light on in the house at night so you won't stub your toes or have a casualty. Driving in the rain gets trickier for sure.
So brace yourself for aging but don't be afraid because it is coming your way whether you want it or not. Don't sqaunder all that youthfull energy. Use it wisely to build a good future and if you don't need it give it to me. Remember once you become invisible there is an upside. You can forget and go to the store in your floppy slippers and nobody will notice.